Curriculum Development

Technical Curriculum

During the time as a Technical Curriculum I was a Co-Author of a 5-day Linux Module.

One of the most interesting topics to learners after finishing our LC101 program is deploying projects that they have built during their time in class.

This module is meant to server as an introduction to Linux servers so that they can deploy their applications to a server using popular web servers like Caddy and Nginx.

The course aims to accomplish the following (also found on the homepage of the curriculum itself):

  1. How to Create, Read, Update, and Delete files with the Linux file system
  2. How to deploy a React project, Angular project, Spring project, and .NET project.
  3. How to configure a production grade web server (Caddy, NGINX)
  4. Package managers
  5. How to automate tedious tasks with bash scripting
  6. How to schedule tasks to execute at a specific time or on a recurring schedule
  7. How to configure a service to start upon system boot or failure
  8. How to craft http requests and render responses from a terminal
  9. How to search files or terminal output
  10. Git Basics and Collaborative strategies

You can find the content here: LaunchCode Linux Curriculum .

You can find the Github Repository here: Linux Github Repository .